

Students who have decided to pursue an undergraduate degree in Social Work should select “Undeclared Social Work” (UNSW) as their major when applying to 密歇根州立大学丹佛. After being accepted into the social work program, we will declare your major as Social Work. 的 UNSW major lets us identify 和 support students who are planning on pursuing a degree in social work but are still working on prerequisite 和 general studies requirements.

If you would like to change your major to “Undeclared Social Work” to indicate your plans to complete a degree in social work, 请发电子邮件给社会工作学生服务办公室 (电子邮件保护). 确保在你的电子邮件中包括你的学生证号码!

从2025年春季开始, we will have both a spring 和 fall start option to the Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW) Program! Students should plan to apply during the semester prior to the one they intend to start the upper division BSSW Program coursework. 计划在春季开始高年级课程? 你将在秋季申请! 计划在秋季开始高年级课程? 你将在春天申请! Students must have their major changed to Social Work through the application process before registering for any upper division required social work courses.

了解更多关于 BSSW项目选择和课程. 在那个页面上,你还可以下载一个建议图表, 审查先决条件要求, 并了解更多关于课程交付的选择.



You must have the following courses complete or be enrolled to complete them prior to the semester you will be starting the BSSW Program:

  • SWK 1010 – Introduction to Social Work (grade of C- or better required)
  • SWK 1600 – Community Engagement 和 Civic Responsibility (grade of C- or better required)
  • psc1010 -美国国家政府
  • 生物1000 -人类生物学非专业 or 生物1030 -非专业通用生物学 or 生物1080+1090 -普通生物学I +普通生物学I实验室
  • PSY 1001 -入门心理学 or PSY课程共6学分
  • SOC 1010 -人,权力和进步 or ANT 1310 -文化人类学导论 or ANT 2330 -跨文化交际


When you apply to the BSSW Program, you will need to indicate your 课程交付方式注册选项 关于应用程序. 下面是对这些领域的简要描述, 但如果你不确定最适合的是什么, 皇冠官网网站建议 与顾问会面.

课程交付方式 参考你如何学习课程. 有两种选择:

  • 完全在线 – students take all courses online 和 are guaranteed a spot in online sections of all required courses. 注意:皇冠官网网站的在线课程不是自学的, 和 many courses will have both synchronous 和 asynchronous requirements.
  • 混合的传统 – students can take courses on campus, online, 和/or in the hybrid format. While we guarantee that there will be a spot for all students in a section of all required courses, we cannot guarantee that you will get a spot in your first choice of section.

无论你是完全在线还是混合传统, chances are you will take one or more online or hybrid courses during your time in the BSSW Program. You can read more about what to expect in online 和 hybrid courses 在皇冠官网网站的课程交付信息页面.

注册选项 refers to if you are following the full-time or part-time plan for the upper division social work courses:

  • 全职 – you will take 12 to 15 credits of upper division social work courses each semester (4 to 5 courses), 和 can complete the upper division coursework in two academic years.
  • 兼职 – you will take 6 to 9 credits of upper division social work courses each semester (2 to 3 courses), 和 can complete the upper division coursework in three academic years.


2024年秋季入学申请现已截止. 的 Spring 2025 application will be available later this fall. You may not submit an application until the Spring 2025 application link is posted to this page.


的re are four personal statements prompts you’ll need to respond to in the application. 每个答案最多200-250字. 的 purpose of personal statements is to assess your dedication 和 underst和ing of the social work profession, 道德, 和价值观, 和 that you can communicate clearly 和 effectively in writing.

We recommend drafting your responses in Word 和n pasting your responses into the text boxes in the application once they are ready. Sometimes formatting can get a little odd when pasting into the text boxes in the application – if you run into this issue, pasting with Ctrl + Shift + V is one way to paste from Word without formatting, 然后你可以使用文章框里的格式化工具.

Remember to keep your responses brief but thorough (there are word limits), 和 don’t hesitate to reach out to the Writing Center if you need any assistance along the way. 的y’re here to support you at every stage of your writing process, 确保你的文章光彩夺目! To schedule an appointment, please visit the Writing Center website.


  • 除了你想要帮助别人之外, why have you selected social work as a major 和 profession over another helping profession or field? 请包括任何相关的工作, 志愿者, or life experience that contributes to your choice of social work.
  • 社会工作是一个以价值为基础的职业 社会正义 和 人的内在尊严和价值 作为它的两个 核心价值观. Illustrate your underst和ing of social work by sharing how your values 和 lived experience support the social work values of 社会正义 (i.e.、平等、解放、权力/特权、压迫等.)及 人的内在尊严和价值.
  • Describe a recent occasion when you experienced conflict in your life. This can be a conflict with another person or perhaps when you have had a long-cherished or accepted belief challenged. 你认为在这种情况下你处理得很好吗? 你希望自己有什么不同的做法? 你对自己有什么了解?
  • 在社会工作项目中, each three-credit course you take requires at least six hours of out-of-class work per week. Social work classes will examine emotionally challenging topics such as suicide assessment, 压迫, 虐待儿童, 忽视, 和悲伤 & 损失. 课程内容需要持续的批判性自我反思. 另外, the BSSW Program requires 400+ hours of agency-based work across the upper division coursework. Please share how will you manage the rigorous dem和s of the BSSW Program 和 take care of yourself on this journey.